Welcome | USPS
https://www.usps.comSchedule a pickup online, place your USPS packages on your doorstep, and we'll come pick them up for free during regular delivery. Schedule Now Delivering for America We're delivering with …
Private - Posti
https://www.posti.fi/enTake a moment to read our instructions regarding possible phishing messages. Read the instructions Send letters and postcards with stamps All stamps and envelopes from the online …
Finland | Postal Explorer - USPS
pe.usps.com › text › IMMLocate a Post Office; ZIP Code Lookup; Service Commitments; International Tools; Country Max Limits and Price Groups; Customs Form Indicator; Other Tools; Metric Conversion Calculator; Publications . Business Mail 101; DMM Advisory; Download DMM, IMM and QSGs; Federal Register Notices; GXG Service Guide; Handbook DM-204; Postal Bulletin ...
International Shipping & Mailing | USPS
www.usps.com › internationalUSPS ® international mail services go to more than 180 countries, including Great Britain, Canada, Japan, Mexico, and Australia. Global Express Guaranteed ®, Priority Mail Express International ®, and Priority Mail International ® services include international tracking and some insurance. Choose a service based on delivery speed or price.
Finland | Postal Explorer - USPS
pe.usps.com › text › ImmPriority Mail Express International — Flat Rate Envelopes. Flat Rate Envelopes: The maximum weight is 4 pounds. Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price. Size Limits ( 221.42) Maximum length: 60 inches.