Our story | UPM Raflatac
www.upmraflatac.com › about-us › our-storyIt is a story of thousands of people around the world working together to create new label solutions for brands and businesses, searching out new ways to help them grow. Our story is also the story of one man, a young chemist in Tampere, Finland, who set the stage for UPM Raflatac’s growth by constantly experimenting with label materials.
https://www.upm.com/fiUusiutuvia vaihtoehtoja fossiilisille materiaaleille. Tarjoamme laajan valikoiman kestäviä ja turvallisia tuotteita jokapäiväiseen käyttöön. Tuotteemme valmistetaan uusiutuvista ja biohajoavista raaka-aineista, ja ne ovat kierrätettäviä. Tutustu tuotevalikoimaamme! UPM:n osavuosikatsaus Q1 2022, 26.4.2022. Webcast.
UPM Timber | UPM Timber
https://www.upmtimber.comResponsibly produced, continuously stable quality sawn timber to enhance your business - UPM Timber is a significant Nordic sawn timber producer. Our four sawmills in Finland have an annual production capacity of 1.5 million cubic meters of redwood and whitewood sawn timber.
www.upm.comUPM Plywood offers high quality WISA plywood and veneer products for construction, vehicle flooring, LNG shipbuilding and other industrial applications. wisaplywood.com Learn more UPM Biofuels produces wood-based renewable diesel and naphtha for the transport and petrochemical industries.