www.upm.com › Businesses › upm-pulpOur modern pulp mills are also an invaluable source of wood-based, renewable energy as well as by-products and residues, which are used for innovative bio-products. UPM Pulp is part of the UPM Biorefining Business Area, which combines integrated production of pulp, renewable diesel, sawn timber and energy with a joint wood raw material supply ...
UPM Pulp | UPM Pulp
www.upmpulp.comUPM PULP. FIBRES FOR THE FUTURE. Versatile, renewable and biodegradeable – pulp is the fuel of the modern bioeconomy. At UPM Pulp, we provide fibres for a future Beyond Fossils.
UPM Pulp | UPM Pulp
https://www.upmpulp.comUPM PULP. FIBRES FOR THE FUTURE. Versatile, renewable and biodegradeable – pulp is the fuel of the modern bioeconomy. At UPM Pulp, we provide fibres for a future Beyond Fossils. How …
Plantations | UPM Pulp
www.upmpulp.com › sustainable-pulp › sustainabilityThese numbers are expected to increase with the start-up of the UPM Paso de los Toros pulp mill in 2022. All UPM’s operations outside the mill site – from nurseries and plantations to logistics and transportation – are subject to local taxes in Uruguay. UPM is one of the main taxpayers among Uruguayan landowners.
UPM Pulp | UPM Pulp
https://www.upmpulp.com/fiUPM PULP. FIBRES FOR THE FUTURE. Monikäyttöinen, uusiutuva ja biohajoava sellu on modernin biotalouden ensisijainen raaka-aine.UPM Pulp tuottaa kestäviä kuituja fossiilien jälkeiseen …