DigiCampus: Kaikki kurssit
digicampus.fi › course › indexRuotsin kielen kertauskurssi, kevät 2022. Verkko- ja monimuoto-opetusta tukeva uudistuva teknologia. Juristin viestintä- ja vuorovaikutustaidot 2022. UEF: Lineaarialgebra a 5 op, 2021-2022. Vahingonkorvausoikeus 2022 (UEF & Lapin yliopisto) UEF 2310216 Erityispedagoginen näkökulma oppimisen tukemiseen (ENOT) kevät 2022.
Moodle environment - UEF Kamu
kamu.uef.fi › en › toolsDigiCampus.fi If you have a UEF user account, click the “University of Eastern Finland accounts – Login” button on the left. You will be redirected to the UEF Login service. Or, if you have a separate user account for Moodle, click the “My Login” button. Or, use HAKA identification. Enter your username and password, and click “Log in >>”.
Digistartti for new students - UEF Kamu
kamu.uef.fi › en › tietopankkiAug 02, 2021 · Digistartti is located on a Moodle platform in Digicampus ( Note that we use several different Moodle platforms at UEF). When logging into Digistartti, please select Haka login, then choose the University of Eastern Finland, and use your UEF ID. We recommend you use a computer (not a mobile device) and Mozilla Firefox as the browser.