CDC 2022 National Diabetes Statistics Report › s › articleJan 26, 2022 · The report analyzed data from 2019 and includes information on the incidence and prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes, efforts addressing type 2 diabetes prevention, and diabetes management. For the first time, diabetes data by income level was published and shows a higher prevalence of diabetes was also associated with poverty.
Incidence of Newly Diagnosed Diabetes | Diabetes | CDC › diabetes › dataIncidence Among Adults. Among US adults aged 18 years or older, crude estimates for 2019 were: 1.4 million new cases of diabetes—or 5.9 per 1,000 persons—were diagnosed (Table 2). Compared to adults aged 18 to 44 years, incidence rates of diagnosed diabetes were higher among adults aged 45 to 64 years and those aged 65 years and older ...
Type 2 Diabetes | CDC › diabetes › basicsType 2 diabetes most often develops in people over age 45, but more and more children, teens, and young adults are also developing it. What Causes Type 2 Diabetes? Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that acts like a key to let blood sugar into the cells in your body for use as energy.