63 Genders ― A New Perspective on Sex and Gender
https://apath.org/63-genders20/03/2000 · Well, you’re in luck, because I say there are a lot more than two genders. I say that even in a fairly simple system of identifying genders, there are at least Sixty-Three (63) Eighty-one (81) gender combinations, because gender is more specific than simply the genitalia attached to your body. (That is your “sex”). To examine Gender (as opposed to Sex) I use a more specific …
Yes, There Are More Than Two Genders! - Tales of Times Forgotten
talesoftimesforgotten.com › 2021/03/16 › yes-thereMar 16, 2021 · For instance, this article from The New York Times discusses how, under the Trump administration, the Department of Health and Human Services attempted to legally redefine gender and sex as identical, declaring that gender is an unchangeable biological condition determined solely and strictly by a person’s chromosomes and that “male” and “female” are the only two possible genders. A memo issued by the department includes the following statement:
Bigender | Gender Wiki | Fandom
https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/BigenderBigender is a gender identity which can be literally translated as 'two genders' or 'double gender'. Bigender people experience exactly two gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between the two. These two gender identities are usually male and female, but bigender could also include non-binary identities.