Genghis Khan - Wikipedia › wiki › Genghis_KhanGenghis Khan (born Temüjin; c. 1162 — 25 August 1227), also known as Chinggis Khan, [a] was the founder and first khagan of the Mongol Empire, which later became the largest contiguous land empire in history. Having spent the majority of his life uniting the Mongol tribes, he launched a series of military campaigns which conquered large ...
Materiaalitietoa - Miimun Kangas Oy › materiaalitietoaTURKISKANGAS on turkista muistuttavaa tekokuitua. Sen pohjana on kudottu kangas tai neulos. Siitä tehdään hattuja, takkeja ja jakkuja. TWEED on palttina- tai toimikassidoksista kangasta. Kudontalankana on käytetty erivärisistä villaeristä yhteen karstattua paksua ja runsaskierteistä karstavillalankaa.
Eurokangas – Tarjous: mittatilausverhojen ostajalle ompeluetu ...
www.eurokangas.fiEurokangas – Kankaat, verhot, kaihtimet ja sisustustuotteet – Kotimainen palveleva kangaskauppa - Eurokangas Pimentävät verhot & rullaverhot Nuku hyvin! Suojaudu kevätauringon häikäisyltä ja tilaa pimentävät verhot mittojen mukaan. PIMENNYSVERHOT Keveät uutuudet vaatetukseen Marimekon klassikot ja uutuudet Uutta! Biohajoava GAIA-verhomallisto
Kangal Dog Breed Information and Pictures › kangaldogThe Kangal Dog is a large, powerful, heavy-boned dog, whose size and proportions have developed naturally as a result of its continued use in Turkey as a guardian against predators. The head is large and moderately wide with drop ears. A properly proportioned Kangal Dog is slightly longer (measured from prosternum to point of buttocks) than ...
Turkish language - Wikipedia › wiki › Turkish_languageA Turkish speaker from Kosovo. Turkish ( Türkçe ( listen), Türk dili ), also referred to as Turkish of Turkey ( Türkiye Türkçesi ), [15] is the most widely spoken of the Turkic languages, with around 80 to 90 million speakers. It is the national language of Turkey and Northern Cyprus.
Türkmengaz - Wikipedia › wiki › TürkmengazUS$ 4.13 billion (Jan–Nov 2020) Number of employees. ≈20,000 (2020) Website. turkmengaz .gov .tm. Türkmengaz is the national gas company of Turkmenistan. It was established by a presidential decree reorganising parts of the former Ministry of Oil and Gas in July 1996. From January to November 2020, Türkmengaz had US$4.13bn in revenue. [1]