Klubi | Tullikamari
https://www.tullikamari.fi/en/renting-the-venue/klubiTullikamari = Pakkahuone & Klubi Tampereen Kulttuurikamari Oy, PL 500 • Tullikamarin aukio 2 • 33100 Tampere. Klubi. Photo: Laura Vanzo / Visit Tampere. By day, slightly edgy Klubi functions as a diner and cafe, by evening it is a concert and event venue and when night falls, it transforms into a buzzing nightclub.
Klubi | Tullikamari
tullikamari.net › en › renting-the-venueKlubi playlists are provided by DJ Online. The space is accessible. Advance tickets to Klubi are sold online exclusively at Tiketti. Catering is provided by venues own Brocco Catering. Alcoholic beverages are served by Tullikamari (Tampereen Kulttuurikamari Oy).
En | Tullikamari
tullikamari.net › enThe two adjacent spaces, Pakkahuone and Klubi, together make a unique and flexible event facility for 1,500 people right in the heart of Tampere. Tullikamari is the best place catch the most interesting gigs and experience unforgettable moments – all brought to you with over 30 years of experience. See more