Tripla 3-Space Bike
tripla.bikeDesign and features. Small 20” wheels, 170 cm long, 48 cm low entry frame, weight 28/29/27 kg. The platform can accommodate a 30x20x38h cm box or two "shoes" size 44. The double central tube tube improves the stability. It allows the attachment of the second saddle and the luggage rack for the central basket or the central Junior seat.
Mall of Tripla, Pasila - Lounaslistat › fi › lounaslistatBrokadi Tripla. Lounasaika: 10.30-15.30. Welcome to taste the most authentic Chinese food in town! 6 times reported by Helsingin Sanomat as the best and most authentic Chinese restaurant in Helsinki. - 4 /5 hot authentic Sichuan meat dishes - 3/4 hot vegetable dishes - 2 steamed dim sum - 4 Sichuan cold dishes - 8 Salads - 6-8 deep fried food
Mall of Tripla, Pasila - Etusivu › fiTervetuloa Helsingin uuteen sydämeen! Mall of Tripla on kaupunkikulttuurin koti ja suunniteltu sinua varten.Triplasta löydät saman katon alta yli 60 kahvilaa ja ravintolaa, kotimaiset ja kansainväliset brändit sekä hyvinvoinnin ja viihteen palvelut. Kyseessä on kaupunkilaisten ohittamaton kohtauspaikka, jonne tullaan nauttimaan, kokemaan ja viettämään aikaa.
Tripla is the new heart of Helsinki | Tripla by YIT › enTripla – always open and full of life. Three urban blocks in Pasila that flow with the pulse of the city. Tripla is where culture, retail stores, business and transportation come together in one amazing place. It inspires and attracts. It brings people together from near and far. The lucky ones will get to live here and many more will visit.
tripla Corp. Ltd. Official Web Site – Making customers happy!
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