Treduun valitut – Tredu – Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto
Treduun valitut Kuuntele Julkaisemme yhteishaun opiskelijavalinnan tulokset tällä nettisivulla 16.6.2022. Julkaisemme vain niiden henkilöiden nimet, jotka ovat antaneet luvan nimen julkaisuun. Hakija saa Opintopolusta tiedon valintatuloksesta sähköpostiinsa, jos on antanut hakulomakkeella sähköpostiosoitteensa. Tieto suoraan omaan sähköpostiin
Tredu - Edunation › treduOverview. Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto, Tredu, offers vocational education in 14 different locations in the Pirkanmaa region. Tredu’s strategy focuses on answering the needs of the future working life. Their vision is to offer a “professional head start” for their students. Activities at Tredu are led by their values; brave, bold, and fair.
2021 [Tredu - Current issues] › en › indexThree-week distance learning period begins on the 8th of March. As instructed by the Finnish government and Pirkanmaa's regional pandemic control group, Tampere Vocational College Tredu will start distance learning and teaching on Monday the 8th of March 2021 to limit the spreading of coronavirus. The distance learning arrangements will last ...