Lähetystiedon hallinta - Varova
varova.fi › palvelut › myvarovaSelkeä lähetystietojen selailu. Uudistuksen myötä sekä ajankohtaisten että aiemmin toimitettujen lähetysten tietojen selailu on entistä sujuvampaa. MyVarovasta löytyvät lähetysten dokumentit, kuten rahtikirjat, tullauspäätökset, vientipäätökset, maahantuloilmoitukset, tuontitullauksen arkistointiniput ja rahtilaskut.
Post/EMS tracking - track-trace
www.track-trace.com › postHow it works. Post/EMS numbers have the format EE123456789XX. We use the last 2 letters to automatically send the request to the correct country. In some cases we use the 2 first letters to select the type of tracking to use. If the country is not supported or you want to select a specific country you can do this manually after tracking.
https://m.17track.net › ...MONIPUOLINEN LÄHETYSTEN SEURANTA. Seurantatilanteet selkeät yhdellä silmäyksellä. Anna numero. Seuraa. Used in Over 220 Countries and Areas.
www.track-trace.comTrack parcels/shipments with companies like UPS, DHL, TNT and FedEx. In addition special services for air cargo, containers and post.
Track and trace » Private » Omniva
www.omniva.ee › private › track_and_traceParcels sent by Omniva within Estonia can be tracked on this page from start to finish. From abroad to Estonia. You can only track the parcel arriving to Estonia if the sending country has entered the tracking information into an international database. Until the parcel has not arrived in Estonia you may try finding it from the homepage of the ...
Track Your Parcel | Your Delivery Experts | DPD
www.dpd.com › nl › enThe system accessed for monitoring parcels with DPD Tracking, and the information acquired for monitoring parcels through Tracking, are the private property of DPD. DPD only grants permission to use the system to request the status of parcels which have been submitted by you, or by third parties on your behalf, to DPD for transport and delivery ...