ADHD Test - TotallyADD › top-adhd-tests-quizzesPlease see your doctor for an assessment, and treatment plan that’s appropriate for you. remove the stigma of ADHD. liberate people from fear, shame and resignation. create an interactive community for adults with, or affected by ADHD and ADD. empower people to create customized tools and treatments.
The TotallyADD Shop - TotallyADD › taddshopTotallyADD is dedicated to helping adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD – we use the acronyms interchangeably) and those affected by it, (family, employers, health professionals, etc.) to liberate themselves from fear, shame, and stigma and create a life they love.
Tools - TotallyADD › tools2The TotallyADD interactive quiz will help you start to sort out what ADHD is and whether or not you may have it. Take The Quiz. remove the stigma of ADHD. liberate people from fear, shame and resignation. create an interactive community for adults with, or affected by ADHD and ADD.