Lippukaupat - Ticketmaster Suomi K-Citymarket Lielahti Harjuntausta 7 33400 TAMPERE ma-la 8-20.30, su 10-19.30 K-Citymarket Pirkkala Palmrothintie 2 33950 PIRKKALA ma-pe 9-20.45, la 9-17.45 K-Citymarket, Turtola Martinpojankatu 4 A 33710 TAMPERE ma-la 9-20:45, su 11-19:45 Sokos Hämeenkatu 21 (PL 576) 33200 TAMPERE ma-la 10-18.30 ja su 11-17.30. Stockmann Hämeenkatu ...
Tampere - Ticketmaster Suomi › city › tampereTampere - the Finnish city known as the capital of the beautiful and unique - is full of interesting events ranging from poetry, festivals, musicals to ice hockey and basketball. It has a population of around 222,000 people making it the third largest city in Finland and the largest inland city of any of the Nordic countries.
Osta liput turvallisesti teatteriin, konserttiin ym. |
https://www.lippu.fiViralliset ja turvalliset liput | teatteri, konsertti, urheilu, stand up, ooppera, viihde, urheilu, jääkiekko, rock, pop, kesäteatteri, show&dinner.