Sairaanhoitaja YAMK - Opinnäytetyöt (Avoin kokoelma) › handle › browseHae Theseuksesta. Tämä kokoelma ... "Sairaanhoitaja YAMK" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt (Avoin kokoelma). 0-9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L ...
Ammattikorkeakoulut - Theseus
www.theseus.fiTheseus on Ammattikorkeakoulujen rehtorineuvosto Arene ry:n tarjoama palvelu, joka tarjoaa käyttöösi Suomen ammattikorkeakoulujen opinnäytetöitä sekä julkaisuja verkossa. Voit tutustua ammattikorkeakouluista valmistuneiden opinnäytetöihin sekä ammattikorkeakoulujen julkaisutoimintaan kokonaisuudessaan ja hyödyntää niitä vaikkapa ...
Theseus – Mythopedia › topics › theseusNov 29, 2022 · Overview. Theseus was by far the most famous and important of the mythical kings of Athens. But Theseus was raised by his mother, Aethra, in the Peloponnesian city of Troezen. He did not even see his father, Aegeus, or the city he would make famous until he was already a man. In fact, the identity of Theseus’ father was kept secret from him ...
Theseus - Greek Mythology › Myths › HeroesMyths / Heroes / Theseus. The son of either Poseidon or Aegeus and Aethra, Theseus was widely considered the greatest Athenian hero, the king who managed to politically unify Attica under the aegis of Athens. Son of either Aegeus, the king of Athens, or Poseidon, the god of the sea, and Aethra, a princess, Theseus was raised by his mother in ...
Theseus - World History Encyclopedia › TheseusMay 2, 2016 · Theseus is a legendary hero from Greek mythology who was considered an early king of Athens. Famously killing villains, Amazons, and centaurs, Theseus' most celebrated adventure was his slaying of the fearsome Minotaur in the labyrinth of the Cretan king Minos. In the Classical period, Theseus came to represent the perfect Athenian - the just ...