Can I use article 'the' with a plural noun? - English Language …
according to this article (Use 15), it's against the rule to use an article 'the' before a plural countable noun (e.g. pictures, flowers, horses etc.) sentence: I've just sent you the picture s In case if I can use it sometimes, please describe me the cases when I can use article 'the' with plural countable noun Thank you in advance Share
Plural Nouns: Rules and Examples | Grammarly › blog › plural-nounsDec 16, 2020 · A plural noun is the form of a noun used to show there are more than one. Most nouns simply add – s or – es to the end to become plural. What is an example of a plural noun? “Kids” is the plural noun form of “kid.” Some nouns have an irregular plural form; for instance, the plural noun of “child” is “children,” not “childs.”
"The" With Plural Nouns? › English › TheWithPluralNounsWe have no indefinite article for the plural. The absence of an article has the same meaning as the indefinite plural article would have, if we had one. an employee / the employee. — employees / the employees. Sometimes the group selected by the indefinite form of a countable noun is the same as the group selected by the definite form.