Terveystalo - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › TerveystaloTerveystalo. Terveystalo is a Finnish private healthcare company. Terveystalo provides healthcare, work healthcare and hospital care services for private persons, corporations, insurance companies and the public sector in about 100 localities with about 180 locations all over Finland. [1]
Company | Terveystalo
www.terveystalo.com › en › companyIn Sweden, we offer occupational health services at 120 clinics. We employ directly and indirectly more than 15,500 healthcare professionals. In 2021 our revenue was EUR 1,155 million. Terveystalo is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange and has a predominantly Finnish ownership. Terveystalo’s headquarters is located in Helsinki.
Terveystalo | Terveystalo
www.terveystalo.com › enStart using the Terveystalo app. The app keeps track of your health information and provides fast access to a physician round the clock. When you use remote services, you don’t have to wait or make an appointment. All your appointment and prescription information is also conveniently stored in the app.
Terveystalo - EQT Group
eqtgroup.com › current-portfolio › terveystaloJun 1, 2018 · 2018-06-01. Terveystalo (established in 2001) is headquartered in Helsinki and employs c. 8,800 healthcare professionals (including private practitioners) through a nationwide network of 18 hospitals and 180 units. Since 2001 the company has made approximately 140 acquisitions. Today, the company is the Finnish market leader in occupational and ...