Temporalis - Actions - Attachments - TeachMeAnatomy
teachmeanatomy.info › encyclopaedia › tJan 16, 2023 · The temporalis is a muscle of mastication (chewing). It is located on the lateral aspect of the skull. Attachments: Originates from the temporal fossa of the skull and attaches onto the coronoid process of the mandible. Actions: Elevation of the mandible (closing the mouth). Also performs retraction of the mandible, moving the jaw posteriorly.
Ohimolihas – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/OhimolihasOhimolihas (lat. musculus temporalis) kuuluu puremalihaksiin. Se lähtee ohimoluun ohimokuopasta (lat. fossa temporalis) ja päättyy alaleukaluun ohimolisäkkeeseen (lat. processus coronoideus mandibulae). Sen päällä sijaitsee otsalihas. Ohimolihaksen tehtävänä on nostaa alaleukaa painaen sitä yläleukaa vasten. Ohimolihasta hermottaa alaleukahermo kuten muitakin pure…
Temporalis muscle - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporalis_muscleThe temporalis muscle is the most powerful muscle of the temporomandibular joint. The temporalis muscle can be divided into two functional parts; anterior and posterior. The anterior portion runs vertically and its contraction results in elevation of the mandible (closing the mouth). The posterior portion has fibers which run horizontally and contraction of this portion results in retrusion of the mandible. The middle portion which fibers run in an oblique direction towards inferior and anteri…
https://kremppa.fi › ...Temporalis lihasten omatoiminen käsittely. Silloin, kun kallon sivuille sijoittuvat temporalis lihakset ovat jumissa, saattaa tuntemuksena olla epämääräinen ...
Temporalis muscle - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Temporalis_muscleThe temporalis muscle is covered by the temporal fascia, also known as the temporal aponeurosis. This fascia is commonly used in tympanoplasty, or surgical reconstruction of the eardrum. The temporalis muscle is accessible on the temples, and can be seen and felt contracting while the jaw is clenching and unclenching.