Nykyään Telliskiven luova keskus on yksi Tallinnan suosituimmista kohtaamispaikoista, jossa viihtyvät sekä tallinnalaiset itse että heidän vieraansa. Alueella ...
WebTelliskivi. Telliskiven luova keskus on yksi Tallinnan trendikkäimmistä seuduista. Vanhan tehdasalueen sydän sykkii tätä nykyä rennon boheemiin tahtiin. Telliskiven luovan keskuksen rakennukset ovat alueella yli sata …
Telliskivi Creative City is within walking distance from the city centre. A tram, bus, and trolley stop is about 3 minutes away, as is the Baltic Station Market. A walk to the Town Hall Square takes about 10–15 minutes and to Freedom Square and Viru Keskus about 20–25 minutes.
We are Dreamers and makers. Some run music and film festivals. Others make ice cream. From designers to startup founders to bike nuts, we're 1,500 people at 250 companies.
WebSee photos (16) Telliskivi Creative City is located in the former industrial complex of Tallinn, which houses galleries, small shops, various creative companies, start-ups, and restaurants. In the heart of the creative city is …
Telliskivi on silti – tai juuri siksi – lähes pakollinen pysähdys Tallinnan-kierroksella. Kun hipsteriyden suurin sädekehä on jo vähän himmennyt, joukkoon ...
Telliskiven luovassa keskuksessa sijaitseva F-Hoone on suomalaisten kestosuosikki. Entisen tehdassalin tiloissa oleva ravintola on trendikkään kodikas ja ...
Yhdeksän vinkkiä Telliskiveen – kaikki irti Tallinnan suosikkialueesta. Inka Khanji Päivitetty: 26.02.2020. Telliskiven vinkit Inka Khanji Kaupunkilomat.
Oct 19, 2017 · Discover Telliskivi Creative City in Tallinn, Estonia: Estonia's largest creative city is a vibrant bohemian hub located within a former industrial complex. Trips Upcoming Trips
Telliskivi Loomelinnak (Telliskivi Creative City) is the creative hotspot of Tallinn. It is a vibrant and artsy former industrial area that is turned into studios, theatres, galleries, design shops, cafes and restaurants. Crab something to eat in a cool laidback atmosphere, do some shopping in independent shops, attend one of the 600 events ...
Telliskivi is the commercial and cultural hub of Kalamaja, with its restaurants, performance venues and indoor shopping streets selling everything from organic cosmetics to Estonian design. A good opportunity to experience the repurposed industrial buildings that Northern Tallinn is famous for is in Telliskivi Creative City.