Telia Touchpoint Plus - Apps on Google Play › store › appsTouchpoint Plus is an app for you who bought the Touchpoint Plus switch from Telia. Touchpoint Plus is a cloud-based exchange solution with advanced functions that can be integrated with e.g. Teams or contact center. It is easy to use and customize the solution. • Access to switch functions in mobile, computer and tablet.
Telia Touchpoint Experience - Apps on Google Play › store › appsSep 23, 2021 · Telia Touchpoint Experience gives companies and organizations in Denmark a cloud-based solution that integrates landline, smartphone, tablet and computer in one user-friendly app. The app includes call, chat and conversion (PBX) features as well as presence and status information. The app is a unified communication solution that makes everyday ...
Touchpoint konto. För att använda tjänsten behöver du ha ett konto på MyBusiness. Du behöver också ha administratörsrättigheter till ditt företags touchpointlösning. Registrera konto för Touchpoint. OBS! Återvänd till denna sida igen för att logga in när du skapat ditt konto.
Telia Touchpoint - Apps on Google Play › store › appsJun 03, 2021 · Telia Touchpoint is a business communications solution in which you can view your co-workers’ statuses and update your own status. The application allows you to log in to your company’s hunt groups and transfer calls. To be able to start using the Telia Touchpoint application, you will need the Telia Touchpoint service.