Investors - Tallink & Silja Line › investorsTallink Grupp’s shuttle vessel Megastar to go for first regular dry-docking in January 2022 to Naantali shipyard in Finland. 23.12.2021 11:50. Tallink suspends operation of vessel Silja Europa early due to new travel restrictions imposed by Finnish authorities. ARCHIVE.
Investors - Tallink & Silja Line Grupp’s shuttle vessel Megastar to go for first regular dry-docking in January 2022 to Naantali shipyard in Finland. 23.12.2021 11:50. Tallink suspends operation of vessel Silja Europa early due to new travel restrictions imposed by Finnish authorities. ARCHIVE.
Shares & Shareholders - Tallink & Silja Line 9 th of December 2005 the shares of AS Tallink Grupp are listed on the NASDAQ Tallinn Stock Exchange where the shares are traded under the symbol TAL1T. Subscribe to our stock exchange releases here; Since 3 rd of December 2018 the Finnish Depository receipts (FDRs) of AS Tallink Grupp are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange and traded under the …
Documents - Tallink & Silja Line › investors › stock-exchangeThe conversion of shares to FDRs is carried out by Nordea Bank Abp, as the issuing agent for Tallink for the FDRs (the “FDR Issuer”). Nordea Bank Abp has agreed not to charge the conversion fees from the Company’s shareholders amounting to EUR 120, resulting from the conversion of their shares into FDRs, for a period commencing on or ...
Tallink – Wikipedia Tallink Grupp on virolainen varustamoyhtiö, joka harjoittaa matkustaja- ja tavaraliikennettä pohjoisella Itämerellä. Lisäksi yhtiöllä on hotelleja ja kauppatoimintaa. Yhtiö liikennöi laivareiteillä Helsinki–Tallinna, Tallinna–Tukholma, Paldiski–Kapellskär ja Riika–Tukholma. Lisäksi konsernin tytäryhtiöt, suomalainen Tallink Silja Oy ja ruotsalainen Tallink Silja AB, liikennöivät Silja Li…