Taito Restaurant | Turun ammatti-instituutti
www.turkuai.fi › en › turku-vocational-instituteTaito Restaurants are a collection of independently operating and stylistically different educational restaurants under one roof. Come and enjoy a good meal at excellent value. We also serve drinks.Our branches are:Lunch cafeteria TaitoCome enjoy our delicious lunch buffet table, which includes a selection of starters, two possible main dishes and coffee or tea after. We are particularly ...
Turku - Taito Varsinais-Suomi
www.taitovarsinaissuomi.fi › turkuTaitokeskus Turku Vanha Suurtori 3 20500 Turku turku (at)taitovarsinaissuomi.fi puh.040 849 9642 Olemme avoinna arkisin 10 – 17 Tervetuloa Taitokeskus Turkuun! Ihastu ja inspiroidu uudistetussa kässästudiossamme, jossa pääset tutustumaan monipuolisiin kursseihimme ja pajamahdollisuuksiin.
Taito Organization Finland - Taitojärjestö
www.taito.fi › en › taitoorganizationTaito Group is an active producer and developer of crafts services and it also promotes the crafts culture as a skill and trade. The organization’s values are creativity, skills, entrepreneurship and sustainable development. Taito Group’s nationwide network includes 16 crafts associations and their allmost 100 fixed places of business.