Denmark – Synsam Group › en › Danish optics market. In Denmark, Synsam operates under the name Profil Optik and has a market share of 23 percent. The Danish market is more competitive compared with other Nordic markets, and there. are several players with similar market shares.
About Synsam Group – Synsam Group › en › about-synsam-groupSynsam – the leading Nordic lifestyle company in optical retail and eye health. From its inception in 1968, Synsam, with 500 stores in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands, has grown into one of the Nordic region’s leading actors in optics, eye fashion and eye health. The Synsam brand is used in Sweden, Norway and ...
Our operations – Synsam Group › en › about-synsam-groupSynsam Group conducts operations in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and e-commerce / omnichannels in each country. Franchise operations are also conducted in Iceland and the Faroe Islands. The basis of Synsam’s activities is its network of stores, where customers can meet an optician for eye examinations, choose glasses, sunglasses or ...
Osto- ja toimitusehdot - Synsam › ostoehdotSynsam pyrkii toteuttamaan tämän 30 päivän kuluessa siitä, kun Synsam on vastaanottanut valituksen. Tämä voi kuitenkin kestää pidempäänkin tuotteen laadusta riippuen. Synsam pidättää itsellään oikeuden hylätä valitus, mikäli käy ilmi, että tuote ei ole sovellettavan kuluttajansuojalainsäädännön nojalla virheellinen.