Swedish language, alphabet and pronunciation - Omniglot
https://www.omniglot.com/writing/swedish.htmVerkkosk = [ɧ] before e, i, y, ä or ö, [sk] elsewhere. rg = [rg, ʀg] before a, o, u, å, [rj, ʀj] elsewhere. lg = [lg] before a, o, u, å, [lj] elsewhere. r, rd, rg, rl, rn, rs and rt: the pronunciation on the left is used in northern and mid …
Swedish language - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_languageSwedish is a North Germanic language spoken predominantly in Sweden and in parts of Finland. It has at least 10 million native speakers, the fourth most spoken Germanic language and the first among any other of its type in the Nordic countries overall. Swedish, like the other Nordic languages, is a … Näytä lisää
Languages of Sweden - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Languages_of_SwedenSwedish is the official language of Sweden and is spoken by the vast majority of the 10.23 million inhabitants of the country. It is a North Germanic language and quite similar to its sister Scandinavian languages, Danish and Norwegian, with which it maintains partial mutual intelligibility and forms a dialect continuum.
Languages of Sweden - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_SwedenSwedish is the official language of Sweden and is spoken by the vast majority of the 10.23 million inhabitants of the country. It is a North Germanic language and quite similar to its sister Scandinavian languages, Danish and Norwegian, with which it maintains partial mutual intelligibility and forms a dialect continuum. A number of regional Swedish dialects are spoken across the country. In total, …