Suomenlinna Official Website › enSuomenlinna is a cultural treasure. Its construction began in the mid-18th century, when Finland was still part of Sweden. Welcome to Suomenlinna! Go to the website of the Governing Body of Suomenlinna at the address Current Opening hours and event calendar September 2022 See opening hours and events Guided tour in English 3.-29.10.2022
Saunas - Suomenlinna Official Website › en › visitorThere is no access to swimming facilities from the sauna. Lonna sauna There are both men and women’s loft saunas in Lonna island which is part of Suomenlinna. Saunas are heated up with wood burning stoves. Both saunas can accommodate up to 24 guests at a time. Lonna sauna is public and can’t be rented for private events.
Suomenlinna - Wikipedia › wiki › SuomenlinnaFor the general public, Suomenlinna is served by ferries all year, and a service tunnel supplying heating, water and electricity was built in 1982. In the beginning of the 1990s, the tunnel was modified so that it can also be used for emergency transport. Suomenlinna has been known as a location for avant-garde culture.
Suomenlinna – Wikipedia › wiki › SuomenlinnaSuomenlinnaa kunnostaa ja ylläpitää Suomenlinnan hoitokunta, joka on opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön alainen valtion virasto. Nykyisin saarten ainoa sotilaallinen laitos on Pikku Mustasaaressa sijaitseva Merisotakoulu. Ison Mustasaaren eteläkärjessä sijaitsee Rikosseuraamuslaitoksen alainen, vuonna 1971 perustettu Suomenlinnan vankila.
Suomenlinna & Lonna – FRS Finland › suomenlinna-lonnaSUOMENLINNA Suomenlinna is a historic sea fortress and a Unesco world heritage site. The construction of the fortress began in 1748. The purpose of Suomenlinna was to protect the Eastern border and the coast in the wars against Russia. As a result of the Finnish Civil War, the fortress was turned into a prisoner of war camp in 1918.