Stockmann - Vuosi 2021
vuosi2021.stockmanngroup.comStockmann-konsernin liikevaihto vuonna 2021 oli 899,0 miljoonaa euroa (790,7), jossa oli kasvua 11,2 % vertailukelpoisilla valuuttakursseilla. Oikaistu liiketulos oli 68,3 miljoonaa euroa (-12,3). Toimitusjohtajan katsaus VUOSI 2021 OLI VAHVAN KÄÄNTEEN VUOSI Jatkoimme vuonna 2021 strategiamme toteuttamista määrätietoisesti.
North Dakota Stockmen's Association - Magazine › magazineThe North Dakota Stockman is an award-winning, full-color magazine that features industry news, production, management and health tips. It also contains feature stories about you and your neighbor you will not find anywhere else. A one-year subscription is included with an NDSA membership. Editorial calendar. Sale report form.
Home | The Stockman Mag, More Than a Hobby
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Home - › en › enStockmann's yearly reporting 2021 has been published, you can get acquainted with the reports by clicking the image above. Stockmann plc's corporate restructuring Publishing of Stockmann’s Interim Management Statement for January–September 2022 Stockmann's Annual General Meeting 2022 News