Home - www.stockmanngroup.com
www.stockmanngroup.com › en › enStockmann Group offers a diverse and high-quality selection of fashion, beauty and home products for a wonderful everyday life. We inspire our customers to make sustainable and responsible choices. The Stockmann division has 8 department stores in Finland and the Baltic countries and the online store stockmann.com.
Stockman History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
www.houseofnames.com › stockman-family-crestEarly History of the Stockman family. This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Stockman research. Another 187 words (13 lines of text) covering the years 1761, 1821, 1730, 1841, 1603, 1636, 1636, 1761, 1787, 1863, 1821, 1831 and 1837 are included under the topic Early Stockman History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.
MyStockmann | Stockmann
www.stockmann.com › mystockmannStockmann Turva -vakuutustuotteet on räätälöity MyStockmann-jäsenille ja suunniteltu täydentämään nykyistä vakuutusturvaasi. Lisäturvat helpottavat elämää ja auttavat eteenpäin ikävistä tapahtumista huolimatta. MyStockmann-jäsenenä saat vaihtuvia etuja pitkin vuotta hotelliin, ravintolaan ja kylpylähoitoihin.
MyStockmann App Storessa
apps.apple.com › fi › appMyStockmann-sovelluksella saat täyden hyödyn jäsenyydestäsi. Löydät digitaalisen jäsenkorttisi, omat henkilökohtaiset etusi, inspiroivaa sisältöä sekä pääset helposti ostoksille stockmann.com-verkkokauppaan. Olemalla aktiivinen jäsen aukeaa sinulle uusia etuja sekä Stockmannilta että valikoiduilta kumppaneiltamme.
Stockmann - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › StockmannStockmann was established by Georg Franz Stockmann, a merchant from Lübeck, Germany who took a job as a bookkeeper at a Nuutajärvi Glassworks store in Helsinki Senate Square. In 1859, Stockmann became the manager of the store. In 1862, Stockmann took control of the store and the Stockmann department store was officially established.
MyStockmann - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › appsApr 14, 2023 · About this app. With MyStockmann app you get the most out of your MyStockmann membership. You can find your digital membership card, personal benefits and inspiring content in the app. The app also includes an easy access for shopping at stockmann.com online store.