Stellar Lumens | Ylilauta General Profile. Gold account About Rules TV-Opas Create account Log in. Forgot password? Cancel Create (0) Gold account Account Preferences Statistics Tags Sessions. All threads Followed threads Replied threads My threads. Aihe vapaa ... Stellar Lumens. OP 111648087 Nov 19, ...
Lumens - Stellar Lumens. Stellar was made to support digital representations of any currency, but it also has its own built-in token, called the lumen, created to fill a special role in the network. By design, Stellar requires that each account hold a small number of lumens at all times. This lumen requirement is modest—a few is more than enough for ...
5 suosittua kryptovaluuttaa! - Vauras Elämä Lumens (XLM) on XRP:stä haarautunut kryptovaluutta, jota pidetään XRP:n kovimpana haastajana. Järjestelmä on toiminnaltaan enemmän XRP:n kuin bitcoinin kaltainen. Stellar Lumens ei siis ole virtuaalivaluuttojen varsinainen kilpailija vaan kokonainen ekosysteemi, joka voidaan asettaa samaan kategoriaan Ethereumin kanssa, joskaan se ei ole suora kilpailija myöskään …
Lumens - Stellar › lumensStellar Lumens. Stellar was made to support digital representations of any currency, but it also has its own built-in token, called the lumen, created to fill a special role in the network. By design, Stellar requires that each account hold a small number of lumens at all times. This lumen requirement is modest—a few is more than enough for ...