Ota Yhteyttä | Shell Suomessa
https://www.shell.fi/about-us/ota-yhteytta.htmlShell Card Private Online. Yrityskortit. Shell-yrityskortit 0800 1 998 99 (arkisin klo 8-18, korttikuoletukset 24h) Sähköposti: euroshellkortit@st1.fi. Shell Fleet Hub. Yritysmyynti. Ota yhteyttä alueesi yritysmyyjään, katso yhteystiedot täältä. Voit myös pyytää tarjousta yrityskorteista tai suoratoimituksista tällä lomakkeella.
Velkommen til Shell - St1
https://www.st1.no/shell-stasjoner/butikktilbudSnarveien til Shell. Vårt mål er å gjøre livet ditt litt enklere, raskere og mer fleksibelt når du svinger innom Shell. Dette gjør vi med vårt program vi kaller "Snarveien til Shell", som omfatter flere tjenester. Alt som ligger under Snarveien til Shell skal gi deg fordeler og fleksibilitet. LES MER. St1 eier Shell-stasjonene i Norge.
Refinery - St1
www.st1.com › about-st1 › company-informationThe St1 Refinery was the first refinery in Europe to acquire ISO 14001 environmental certification, and was registered according to the EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) in 1997. We set annual environmental objectives and targets for our refinery and closely monitor our progress in achieving them.
Shell Card Private
https://www.shellcardprivate.fiShell Card private -turvallinen ja helppokäyttöinen kortti yksityishenkilöille. Shell Card -yksityiskortti on monipuolinen ja turvallinen maksuväline, joka käy yli 1000 Shell- ja St1-asemalla Suomessa ja Ruotsissa.
St1 - Energy company that challenges the conventional - St1
www.st1.comIn a few decades, St1 has developed from a Finnish petrol station chain into a Nordic energy group whose vision is to be a producer and seller of CO2-aware energy. Throughout its history, St1 has maintained its entrepreneurial operating model, as well as the passion to see and do things in a new way. St1 operates in Finland, Sweden and Norway ...
St1 Way -sovellus - St1
www.st1.fi › st1-way-sovellusSt1 Way -sovelluksella maksat tankkaukset kätevästi puhelimellasi yli 400 St1- ja Shell-asemalla. Tankatessasi mobiilisti saat heti alennusta 1 sentin litralta. Parhaat edut ja alennukset saat, kun liität St1 Way -sovellukseen St1 Mastercardin. Kortin hakeminen onnistuu näppärästi sovelluksen kautta.
St1 and Shell Logos - St1
www.st1.com › st1-mediabankShell Logos. Instructions for using the Shell logo. Shell's logo must be accompanied by the following text in a small font (swedish text only included in swedish and bilingual materials): The use of Shell's trademarks is based on a license issued by Shell Brands International AG for St1. * Shells varumärke används under licens av St1 ...
St1 and Shell Logos - St1
https://www.st1.com/st1-mediabankShell's logo must be accompanied by the following text in a small font (swedish text only included in swedish and bilingual materials): The use of Shell's trademarks is based on a license issued by Shell Brands International AG for St1. * Shells varumärke används under licens av St1, beviljat av Shell Brands International AG.