5.2.2021 · So, here is a list of Spanish question words you need to memorize right away: ¿Qué…? — What? ¿Quién…? — Who? ¿Cuándo…? — When? ¿Dónde…? — Where? ¿Por …
These are the most common ones in Spanish: de - of or from en - in, on or at a - to or at por - for or by con - with para - for or in order to sin - without sobre - about, on or over entre - between …
1.6.2022 · Take a look at these first words in our guide of the 1,000 most common Spanish words. sí — yes no — no ¿entiende (s)? — do you understand? no entiendo — i don’t …
Jul 14, 2019 · Top 100 Spanish Words 1. gracias (thanks) 2. ser (be) 3. a (to) 4. ir (to go) 5. estar (to be) 6. bueno (good) 7. de (of, from) 8. su (your, her, his, their) 9. hacer (to do, to make) 10. amigo (friend) 11. por favor (please) 12. no (no) 13. en (on, in) 14. haber ("to have" as an auxiliary verb) 15. tener (to have, to possess)
Aug 26, 2021 · Basic Spanish Words . With these basic words, you will be able to begin to form sentences and provide answers to simple questions. These basic words will also aid you in connecting sentences and ideas as you begin to learn more Spanish words. Hola (Hello) Adios (Goodbye) Gracias (Thank you) Por favor (Please) Si (Yes) Claro (Of course) No (No)
10.9.2010 · Definitions below are for quick reference; all the words can be translated in additional ways. Top 100 Spanish Words 1. gracias (thanks) 2. ser (be) 3. a (to) 4. ir (to go) 5. estar (to …
Basic Spanish Phrases · Buenos días = Good morning · Buenas tardes = Good afternoon · Buenas noches = Good evening · Hola, me llamo Juan = Hello, my name is John ...