Sorsapuisto – Wikipedia on 1930-luvulla valmistunut, nykyisellään 4,2 hehtaarin kokoinen vapaa-ajanviettopaikka ja virkistysalue Tampereella Tullin kaupunginosassa. Vuonna 1990 puiston eteläkulmaukseen rakennettiin Tampere-talo ja samalla koko puistoa uudistettiin. Vuosina 1964–1972 Tampere-talon paikalla oli toiminut Tampereen eläintarha, jonka vetonauloja olivat leijonat Tam ja Pere.
Sorsapuisto - Wikiwand › en › SorsapuistoSorsapuisto is a refreshment area of 4.2 hectares in Tulli, Tampere, Finland, completed in the 1930s. In 1990 the Tampere Hall was built in the south corner of the park and the whole park was renovated. From 1964 to 1972 the site of the Tampere Hall hosted the Tampere zoo featuring the lions Tam and Pere.
Tripadvisor › Attraction_Review-g189948-dThis park is located next to the Tampere Hall, five minutes walk from the railway station. In the middle of the park is a big pond with a fountain. You can find ducks swimming here. There are also many other species of birds living in the cages by the pond. Read more Written August 11, 2020