The Sopranos - Wikipedia Sopranos is an American crime drama television series created by David Chase. The story revolves around Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini), a New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster, portraying the difficulties that he faces as he tries to balance his family life with his role as the leader of a criminal organization. These are explored during his therapy sessions with psychiatrist Jennifer Melfi (Lorraine Bracco). The series features Tony's family members, mafia colleagues, a…
The Sopranos - Official Website for the HBO Series Sopranos - Official Website for the HBO Series. permalink. Hailed as one of television’s essential dramas, David Chase’s The Sopranos follows James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano: husband, father, and mob boss. See how it all began in The Many Saints of Newark, a feature film prequel to the groundbreaking series that follows young Tony ...
Sopranos – Wikipedia (engl. The Sopranos) on David Chasen luoma ja HBO:n tuottama televisiosarja 2000-luvun mafiaperheen elämästä. Sarjan päähenkilö on newjerseyläinen mafioso Anthony ”Tony” Soprano (James Gandolfini). Sarjan alussa Tony menettää tajuntansa ilman selvää syytä ja hakeutuu psykiatrille. Yksi koko sarjan läpi kantavista aiheista on Tonyn käynnit psykiatrin, tohtori Jennifer Melfin (Lorraine Bracco), vastaa…
The Sopranos - Official Website for the HBO Series › the-sopranosThe Sopranos - Official Website for the HBO Series. permalink. Hailed as one of television’s essential dramas, David Chase’s The Sopranos follows James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano: husband, father, and mob boss. See how it all began in The Many Saints of Newark, a feature film prequel to the groundbreaking series that follows young Tony ...
The Sopranos - Wikipedia › wiki › The_SopranosThe Sopranos is an American crime drama television series created by David Chase.The story revolves around Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini), a New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster, portraying the difficulties that he faces as he tries to balance his family life with his role as the leader of a criminal organization.
The Sopranos (TV Series 1999–2007) - IMDb › title › tt0141842The Sopranos: Created by David Chase. With James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, Michael Imperioli, Steven Van Zandt. New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano deals with personal and professional issues in his home and business life that affect his mental state, leading him to seek professional psychiatric counseling.
The Sopranos (TV Series 1999–2007) - IMDb · The Sopranos: Created by David Chase. With James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, Michael Imperioli, Steven Van Zandt. New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano deals with personal and professional issues in his home and business life that affect his mental state, leading him to seek professional psychiatric counseling.