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Smart Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
Smart (marque) - Wikipedia › wiki › Sm...
Smart (stylized as smart) is a German automotive marque. Smart Automobile Co., Ltd. is a joint venture established by Mercedes-Benz AG and Zhejiang Geely ...
Smart - Wikipedia
WebL'automobile, semplicemente denominata SMART (sarà conosciuta come Fortwo solo a partire dal 2003), è una macchina di appena due metri e mezzo, senza cofano anteriore, …
Smartphone - Wikipedia
WebSmartphone A person using a Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone. A smartphone is a portable computer device that combines mobile telephone functions and computing functions into one unit.
SMART (マネジメント) - Wikipedia › wiki › SMART_(マネジメント)
SMART(SMART基準: SMART criteria、SMART目標: SMART objectives、SMARTゴール: SMART goals)は、プロジェクトマネジメント、従業員の業績管理、能力開発などの領域における目標設定の基準を示す頭字語(アクロニム)である。
smart Forfour - Wikipedia › wiki › Smart_Forfour
Smartin ongelma oli, että perheelliset eivät pystyneet kaksiovisella ForTwo:lla matkustamaan, joten he tarvitsivat suuremman, mutta pienen kokoluokan auton.
Smart – Wikipedia
WebSmart, Böblingen. Smart (aikaisemmin MCC smart) on henkilöautomerkki, jonka mallisto koostuu pienikokoisista automalleista, kääpiöautoista. Smart on nykyään osa Mercedes …
Smart Fortwo - Wikipedia › wiki › Sm...
The Smart Fortwo (stylized as "smart fortwo") is a rear-engine, rear-wheel-drive, 2-passenger city car manufactured and marketed by the Smart division of ...
Smart — Wikipédia
WebSmart (dérivé du nom de projet Swatch Mercedes Art car [1]) est une marque automobile allemande spécialisée dans la manufacture de micro-voitures citadines à deux places et créée en 1994 sous l'impulsion du …
Smart (marque) - Wikipedia › wiki › Smart_(marque)
Smart (stylized as smart) is a German automotive marque. Smart Automobile Co., Ltd. is a joint venture established by Mercedes-Benz AG and Zhejiang Geely Holding Group in 2019 and aimed at producing Smart-badged cars in China to be marketed globally. The venture is headquartered in Ningbo.
Smart Technologies - Wikipedia › wiki › Smart_Technologies
Smart Technologies (stylized as SMART Technologies) also known as Smart, is a Canadian company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and wholly owned by Foxconn. Founded in 1987, Smart is best known as the developer of interactive whiteboards branded as the "SMART Board" popularly used in education and business.
Smart (savukemerkki) - Wikipedia › wiki › Smart_(savukemerkki)
Smart on savukemerkki, jota myytiin Suomessa 20 ja 27 savukkeen askeissa. Smart-savukkeita oli Suomessa saatavana viittä eri aromia. Smart-tupakkaa myydään ...
Smart - Wikipedia › wiki › Smart
ComputingEdit · Smart device, an electronic device connected to other devices or networks wirelessly · Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology ( ...
Smart Fortwo - Wikipedia › wiki › Smart_Fortwo
Smart Fortwo on Smartin vuonna 1998 esitelty automalli. Auto kehiteltiin alun perin Daimler-Benzin sekä sveitsiläisen Swatch-kelloyhtiön yhteistyönä.
SMART criteria - Wikipedia
S.M.A.R.T. is a mnemonic acronym, giving criteria to guide in the setting of goals and objectives that are assumed to give better results, for example in project management, employee-performance management and personal development. The term was first proposed by George T. Doran in the November 1981 issue of Management Review. He suggested that goals should be SMART (specific, m…
Smart (Automarke) – Wikipedia
WebSmart (Eigenschreibweise: smart) ist eine 1994 gegründete Automobilmarke der Mercedes-Benz AG. Von 1998 bis 2018 wurden hauptsächlich Verbrennungsmotoren im …
Smart - AutoWiki › index.php › Smart
Smart. Kohteesta AutoWiki. Siirry navigaatioon Siirry hakuun. Tällä hetkellä tällä sivulla ei ole tekstiä. Voit etsiä sivun nimellä muilta ...
SMART-kriteerit – Wikipedia
WebSMART on lyhenne, jonka avulla voi määritellä kriteerejä ohjaamaan tavoitteita, esimerkiksi Projektinhallintaa, työntekijän suorituksen ohjausta tai henkilökohtaista kehitystä. …
SMART criteria - Wikipedia › wiki › SMART_criteria
Although the acronym SMART generally stays the same, objectives and goals can differ. Goals are the distinct purpose that is to be anticipated from the assignment or project, [4] while objectives, on the other hand, are the determined steps that will direct full completion of the project goals.
Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology
Tools. Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology ( S.M.A.R.T., often written as SMART) is a monitoring system included in computer hard disk drives (HDDs) …
Smart - Wikipedia
WebSmart device, an electronic device connected to other devices or networks wirelessly. Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.), a standard used in …
Luokka:Smart - Wikipedia › wiki › Luokka:Smart
Smart-automerkistä kertovia artikkeleita. Sivut, jotka ovat luokassa Smart. Seuraavat 7 sivua kuuluvat tähän luokkaan. Sivujen kokonaismäärä luokassa on 7.
Smart (marque) - Wikipedia
Smart (stylized as smart) is a German automotive marque. Smart Automobile Co., Ltd. is a joint venture established by Mercedes-Benz AG and Zhejiang Geely Holding Group in 2019 and aimed at producing Smart-badged cars in China to be marketed globally. The venture is headquartered in Ningbo. It produces … See more
Smart - Wikipedia › wiki › Smart
Smart Fortwo valmistetaan Smartvillessä sitä varten tehdyssä tehtaassa Hambachissa, Lorrainessa, Ranskassa. Smart perustettiin vuonna 1994 Daimler-Benzin ja ...