slide suomeksi | Suomi-englanti sanakirja (suomeksi) liuku ( s: act of sliding) liukuminen ( s: act of sliding) liukumäki ( s: item of play equipment) kalvo ( s: esityksessä / transparent image for projecting) slide-kitara ( s) liukua ( v: to move in continuous contact with a surface / to move with low friction) liu'uttaa ( v: to cause to move in contact with a surface)
slide suomeksi - (englanti-suomi) › searchA ship or boat slides through the water. Ages shall slide away without perceiving. Parts answering parts shall slide into a whole. With good hope let he sorrow slide. With a calm carelessness letting everything slide. The long, red slide was great fun for the kids. The slide closed the highway. a slide on the ice A better slide into their business.
slider suomeksi - (englanti-suomi) › searchSubstantiivit. one who slides. (baseball) A pitch thrown with added pressure by middle and ring fingers yielding a combination of backspin and sidespin, resulting in a motion to the left when thrown by a right handed pitcher. (cricket) A similar delivery in which the wrist and ring finger work to impart backspin to the ball.
slide suomeksi | Suomi-englanti sanakirja › slideslide (suomeksi) liuku ( s: act of sliding) liukuminen ( s: act of sliding) liukumäki ( s: item of play equipment) kalvo ( s: esityksessä / transparent image for projecting) slide-kitara ( s) liukua ( v: to move in continuous contact with a surface / to move with low friction) liu'uttaa ( v: to cause to move in contact with a surface)