Siuntio | Tule Siuntioon › siuntioSiuntio is a bilingual municipality in Uusimaa, just an HSL train ride away from Helsinki. Well-functioning public services, a strong focus on leisure and recreational activities, and a cultural landscape varying from rural idyll to stunning seascapes make Siuntio a lovely place to live.
Frontpage | Tule Siuntioon
visitsiuntio.fiTake it easy – come to Siuntio. Welcome to the hygge capital of Finland. In Siuntio, there are more hours in a day than anywhere else. Come and experience it for yourself! Learn more about housing Come and visit. A different way of life awaits in Siuntio, surprisingly close to Helsinki.
https://www.siuntio.fiVerkko23.10.2023 Lausuntoa pyydetään lukuvuoden 2024-2025 työ- ja loma- ajoista Siuntion kunnan esikouluissa ja peruskouluissa 5.11.2023 mennessä 23.10.2023 Tervetuloa …