Yhteystiedot » Myynti - Sales « Sinebrychoff
www.sinebrychoff.fi › yhteystiedot › myynti-salesSinebrychoff brews beer and produces cider, long drink beverages, soft drinks, waters and energy drinks. Power brands Karhu, KOFF, Carlsberg, Battery Energy Drink, Monster Energy, Crowmoor and Somersby are in the company's portfolio, as well as Coca-Cola beverages such as Coca-Cola, Fanta, Bonaqua and Sprite.
www.sinebrychoff.fiSinebrychoff brews beer and produces cider, long drink beverages, soft drinks, waters and energy drinks. Power brands Karhu, KOFF, Carlsberg, Battery Energy Drink, Monster Energy, Crowmoor and Somersby are in the company's portfolio, as well as Coca-Cola beverages such as Coca-Cola, Fanta, Bonaqua and Sprite.
Sinebrychoff - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › SinebrychoffThe Sinebrychoff Brewery (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈsinebrykof]) is a Finnish brewery and soft drink company. It was founded in 1819 in Helsinki, Grand Duchy of Finland, by the Russian businessman Nikolai Sinebrychoff, and it is the largest brewery in Finland today.
Sinebrychoff – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/SinebrychoffOy Sinebrychoff Ab ([sinebrykof]) on suomalainen Keravalla sijaitseva panimo, joka on nykyään tanskalaisen Carlsberg-panimokonsernin omistuksessa. Sinebrychoff on Pohjoismaiden vanhin panimo ja Suomen vanhin elintarvikealan yritys. Lisäksi se on Suomen kolmanneksi vanhin alkuperäisellä nimellään toimiva yritys Fiskarsin ja Yliopiston Apteekin jälkeen. Erisnimi on alkuaan ven. Синебрюхов, Sinebrjuhov (suom. sinivatsainen). Nimen loppuosasta o…
https://www.sinebrychoff.fiVerkkoSinebrychoff brews its beverages with 100% renewable energy and is a carbon neutral brewery. The brewery supports responsible drinking with its selection of alcohol-free beers. Brewing for a better today and …