Seterra Geography (full) on the App Store › us › appThe popular online and desktop based map quiz classic that has been entertaining and educating geography buffs ages 8-88 for more than 20 years has gone mobile. Take on the world or conquer it one region at a time. The app includes 300+ different games to test your map skills. Learn to distinguish Tasmania from Tanzania and France's bleu, blanc ...
193 United Nations Member States - Map Quiz Game - Seterra › seterra › en193 United Nations Member States - Map Quiz Game: The ultimate geography test! From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, the United Nations has 193 members. When the organization started in 1945, there were only 51 members. Membership went up during the 1970s when many newly independent countries joined, and most of them are in Africa. Some of the bigger countries like China and Russia are easy to find ...
Seterra Geography Games
www.seterra.comLearn world geography the easy way! Seterra is a map quiz game, available online and as an app for iOS an Android. Using Seterra, you can quickly learn to locate countries, capitals, cities, rivers lakes and much more on a map.