Asia: Countries - Map Quiz Game - Seterra › en › vgpSeterra is an entertaining and educational geography game that lets you explore the world and learn about its countries, capitals, flags, oceans, lakes and more! You can access the Seterra online quiz site using your computer, phone, or tablet running the latest version of most web browsers, including Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.
Seterra Geography Games
https://www.seterra.comLearn world geography the easy way! Seterra is a map quiz game, available online and as an app for iOS an Android. Using Seterra, you can quickly learn to locate countries, capitals, cities, rivers lakes and much more on a map.
Asia: Nazioni - Quiz Geografico - Seterra Nazioni - Quiz Geografico: Nota: la capitale di Israele è attualmente oggetto di discussione. secondo Wikipedia è Gerusalemme e per questo motivo lo è anche nel nostro quiz. Nota: la maggior parte dei Paesi non riconosce Taiwan come stato indipendente, bensì lo considera parte della Repubblica popolare cinese. In termini di territorio, l'Asia è la regione più vasta del mondo. …
Monsoon Asia: Countries - Map Quiz Game - Seterra › en › vgpSeterra is an entertaining and educational geography game that lets you explore the world and learn about its countries, capitals, flags, oceans, lakes and more! You can access the Seterra online quiz site using your computer, phone, or tablet running the latest version of most web browsers, including Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.
Asia Geography Games - Seterra · Accounting for about 30 percent of Earth’s land area, Asia is the world’s largest continent. It is also home to around 60 percent of the world population, making it the most populous continent. Those are remarkable statistics, but Asia is just as impressive in terms of geographic diversity. Seterra has a collection of engaging geography quizzes that will help you …
Asia: Countries Printables - Map Quiz Game - Seterra › en › pdfAsia is the largest of the world regions, stretching from the Middle East to India and over to China and Japan. In total, there are 47 countries to learn. This downloadable blank map of Asia makes that task easier. Begin by downloading the labeled map of Asia to learn the countries, and finish by taking a quiz by downloading the blank map.