Different ways to create and update an Array in Scala
alvinalexander.com › scala › how-to-different-waysDec 7, 2021 · There are many different ways to define and populate an Array. You can create an array with initial values, in which case Scala can determine the array type implicitly: scala> val a = Array (1,2,3) a: Array [Int] = Array (1, 2, 3) scala> val fruits = Array ("Apple", "Banana", "Orange") fruits: Array [String] = Array (Apple, Banana, Orange)
Scala | Arrays - GeeksforGeeks
www.geeksforgeeks.org › scala-arraysMar 11, 2019 · Scala has a method Array.ofDim to create Multidimensional arrays in Scala . In structures like matrices and tables multi-dimensional arrays can be used. Syntax: var array_name = Array.ofDim [ArrayType] (N, M) or var array_name = Array (Array (elements), Array (elements) This is a Two-Dimension array. Here N is no. of rows and M is no. of Columns.