Etusivu - Savonlinnan tori
savonlinnantori.fiJun 01, 2022 · Tervetuloa nauttimaan Savonlinnan torin tunnelmasta, tarjonnasta ja ainutlaatuisesta sijainnista Saimaan rannalla. Savonlinnan tori palvelee ympäri vuoden. Savonlinnan tori tarjoaa matkailijoille ja paikallisille ikimuistoisia nautintoja torikahviloiden, kalaravintoloiden ja torimyymälöiden herkkujen parissa.
Visit Savonlinna - Visit Savonlinna › enExperience true wilderness. The Savonlinna region is a dream destination for an active nature-lover. The rare water national parks Linnansaari and Kolovesi in the middle of the labyrinthine Lake Saimaa are number-one destinations for nature lovers and campers. These natinal parks are the best places to see the endangered Saimaa ringed seal.
Cancelled 2021 - Savonlinnan Oopperajuhlat › en › cancelled-2021Cancelled performances in summer 2021. Due to the pandemic situation and the uncertainties around large events, opera performances and Karita Mattila’s gala concerts in summer 2021 will be cancelled. Read more about how the changes affect ticket reservations here . However, this summer’s delights include concerts and the Timo Mustakallio ...