SF-Caravan Turku ry
https://sfcturku.fiKotisivuiltamme saat tietoa mm. yhdistyksen toimihenkilöistä, toimikunnista, omasta alueestamme Kesäniemestä, muista sopimusalueistamme sekä toimistostamme.
https://www.karavaanarit.fi7.9.2022 · Uutiset ja tiedotteet SF-Caravan ry uudisti organisaation 4.10.2022 Leirintämatkailun liikevaihto on kasvanut 6 % 22.9.2022 Vuoden Caravan-alueiden äänestys käynnissä 7.9.2022 …
SF-Caravan VihtiPark - Clubcampings.fi
clubcampings.fi › en › sf-caravan-vihtiparkSF-Caravan VihtiPark. The campsite is located by the Vihtijärvi Lake, and the grass-based caravan pitches are right by the beach. The campsite has approximately 150 pitches with electricity. The campsite has a playground and trampoline for children. The common facilities have a kitchen and a common room. The campsite has two wood-heated saunas.
SF-Caravan campsites - Clubcampings.fi
clubcampings.fi › en › sf-caravan-campsitesAll SF-Caravan campsites on the Clubcampings.fi website have received a “Caravan Smiley” quality mark. The mark is based on a quality system developed and maintained by SF-Caravan ry, which aims to enhance the quality, safety and management of Finnish Caravan campsites. SF-Caravan campsites with a “Caravan Smiley”: SF-Caravan Alatalo, Kuopio
SF-Caravan Alatalo - Clubcampings.fi
clubcampings.fi › en › sf-caravan-alataloThe all-year campsite SF-Caravan Alatalo is a caravan site in Eastern Finland. The campsite is located near Kuopio, in Jännevirta. The campsite is located in an idyllic country setting by the beautiful Juurusvesi River. The campsite, 3.5 hectares in size, consists of flat terrain. Caravanners may choose between a sunny or shady pitch.