SideQuest: Oculus Quest Games & Apps including AppLab Games ... › linkSideQuest is a place to get more apps for your Oculus Quest, it is a completely safe way to enjoy some cutting edge content in VR and expand the capability of your standalone VR headset. We make it easier for users to access content that is not yet available on the Oculus Store and as a proving ground for developers to validate their content ...
Arabic - › py › sdqinfoOne-sided SDQ for parents or teachers of 4-17 year olds One-sided SDQ for parents of 2-4 year olds One-sided self-rated SDQ for 11-17 year olds Double-sided version with impact supplement P2-4 - SDQ and impact supplement for the parents of 2-4 year olds P4-17 - SDQ and impact supplement for the parents of 4-17 year olds
sdqscore.orgThe SDQ is the world’s most-used instrument for assessing mental health status for people in the age range 2 to 18. Since 1998, over 4500 clinical and academic studies have been based on the SDQ and over 5 million assessments of young people have been carried out on one website alone.
Sdq-lomakkeet - Kirjoitukset - LPSY › artikkelit › 298SDQ - Strengths and Difficulties Vahvuuksien ja Vaikeuksien Kyselylomake (SDQ-Fin) Kansainvälisesti standardisoitu eri ikäisten lasten psyykkisten häiriöiden seulontaan ja arviointiin soveltuva lomakesarja. Tämän soveltuvuutta lastenpsykiatrisen hoidon seurantaan kliinisen työn osana kannattanee arvioida ja vaihtaa sen käytöstä kokemuksia. - Information for researchers
www.sdqinfo.orgThis is to ensure that the SDQ is fully comparable across studies and settings. Similarly, to ensure high quality and consistency, unauthorized translations are not permitted. Paper versions may be downloaded and subsequently photocopied without charge by individuals or non-profit organizations provided they are not making any charge to families.