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Russia Wikipedia

Expansion of Russia (1500–1800) - Wikipedia › wiki › Expa...
The steppe and forest-steppe of Ukraine and southern Russia is good agricultural land, but it was traditionally held by pastoral nomads.
Political divisions of Russia - Wikipedia › wiki › Politi...
Russia is divided into several types and levels of subdivisions. Contents. 1 Federal subjects. 1.1 2014 annexation of Crimea. 2 Administrative divisions; 3 ...
Russia - Wikipedia › wiki › Russia
It is the largest country in the world, covering over 17,098,246 square kilometres (6,601,670 sq mi), and encompassing one-eighth of Earth's inhabitable ...
Russia - Wikipedia
Russia , or the Russian Federation (RF), is a transcontinental country spanning Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. It is the largest country in the world by area, covering over 17,098,246 square kilometres (6,601,670 sq mi) , and encompassing one-eighth of Earth's inhabitable landmass. Russia extends … Näytä lisää
History of Russia - Wikipedia
Russia is the most evil country in the entire world. Vladamir Putin is Donald Trump but worse. He is a bored devil. The history of Russia begins with the histories of the East Slavs. The …
Timeline of Russian history - Wikipedia › wiki › Time...
This is a timeline of Russian history, comprising important legal and territorial changes and political events in Russia and its predecessor states.
Russia - Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere
Le pais ha accesso al Oceano Arctic, Oceano Pacific del Nord, e anque a mares interior como le Mar Baltic, Mar Nigre e Mar Caspie. Su area es 17 098 246 км² e ha un population de 146 748 …
Russia - Wikipedia › wiki › Russia
Russia Russia (Russian: Россия, tr. Rossiya, pronounced [rɐˈsʲijə]) or the Russian Federation, [c] is a transcontinental country spanning Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. It is the largest country in the world, covering over 17,098,246 square kilometres (6,601,670 sq mi), and encompassing one-eighth of Earth's inhabitable landmass.
Russian Wikipedia - Wikipedia
The Russian Wikipedia ( Russian: Русская Википедия, romanized : Russkaya Vikipediya) is the Russian-language edition of Wikipedia. As of September 2022, it has 1,856,919 articles. It was …
Privatization in Russia - Wikipedia › wiki › Priva...
Privatization in Russia describes the series of post-Soviet reforms that resulted in large-scale privatization of Russia's state-owned assets, ...
Russia - Wikipedia
La Russia (in russo: Росси́я , traslitterato: Rossija, ascolta ), ufficialmente Federazione Russa (in russo: Росси́йская Федера́ция , traslitterato: Rossijskaja Federacija, ascolta ), è uno Stato transcontinentale che si estende per un quarto in Europa e per tutto il resto in Asia. È il più vasto Stato del mondo, con una superficie di 17864345 km², e nel 2016 contava circa 144 milioni di abitanti. L…
Demographics of Russia - Wikipedia
Russia, the largest country in the world by area, had a population of 147.2 million according to the 2021 census, up from 142.8 million in the 2010 census. It is the most populous country in …
Russian Wikipedia › wiki › Russi...
The Russian Wikipedia is the Russian-language edition of Wikipedia. As of October 2022, it has 1,858,230 articles. It was started on 11 May 2001.
History of Russia - Wikipedia › wiki › History_of_Russia
History of Russia - Wikipedia History of Russia Part of a series on the History of Russia Periods Timeline Russia portal v t e The Millennium of Russia monument in Veliky Novgorod (unveiled on 8 September 1862) Expansion of Russia and Soviet Union (1300–1945) The history of Russia begins with the histories of the East Slavs.
Anti-Russian sentiment - Wikipedia › wiki › Anti-...
Anti-Russian sentiment, commonly referred to as Russophobia, is dislike or fear of Russia, the Russians, and Russian culture.
List of rivers of Russia - Wikipedia › wiki › List_...
Russia can be divided into a European and an Asian part. The dividing line is generally considered to be the Ural Mountains. The European part is drained ...
Russia - Wikipedia › wiki › Russia
Russia. ( dettagli) ( dettagli) La Russia (in verde scuro) e i territori ucraini occupati nel 2014 e nel 2022 (in verde chiaro), territori la cui annessione non è riconosciuta dalla maggioranza della comunità internazionale. Dati amministrativi. Nome completo. Federazione Russa. Nome ufficiale.
Rusia - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre › wiki › Rusia
Rusia (en ruso, Росси́я , romanización Rossíya ), n. 1 conocida formalmente n. 2 como la Federación de Rusia n. 1 (en ruso, Росси́йская Федера́ция , romanización Rossíyskaya Federátsiya) y también citada en ocasiones como Federación Rusa, es un vasto país que se extiende sobre Europa del Este y Asia del ...
Rússia – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livreússia
A Rússia é o principal fornecedor mundial de armas, uma posição que tem mantido desde 2001, representando cerca de 30% das vendas mundiais de armas [ 202] e exportando armas para …
Russia - Wikipèdia
Russia (nom oficiau complèt: Federacion de Russia) es un estat europèu e asiatic qu'es a l'ora d'ara lo país pus estendut de la planeta damb una superficia d'aperaquí 17 milions de …
List of Russian people - Wikipedia › wiki › List_...
This is a list of people associated with the modern Russian Federation, the Soviet Union, Imperial Russia, Russian Tsardom, the Grand Duchy of Moscow, ...
Russia - Wikipedia
Russia (to Russia-gbè mẹ: Россия), he nọ yin yiylọ to osẹ́nliho dọ Russian Federation (to Russia-gbè mẹ: Российская Федерация) yin otò de to Whèzẹtẹn-waji Europe tọn po Agéwaji Asia tọn …