The Court Jeweller
www.thecourtjeweller.comJul 31, 2023 · 07.31.2023 by thecourtjeweller // Leave a Comment. The Princess of Orange attends a banquet celebrating the wedding of Crown Prince Hussein and Princess Rajwa of Jordan in Amman, June 1, 2023 (Royal Hashemite Court) As July draws to a close, let’s have another look at a recent ruby debut (and ruby repeat!) from a new tiara wearer: the ...
Royal Musings | Royal, Norway, Royal family - Pinterest › pinNews and commentary about the reigning royal houses of the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, ...
The Royal Watcher
royalwatcherblog.comAug 2, 2023 · Today marks the 165th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Emma of the Netherlands, so to mark the day, we are featuring one of the most prominent heirlooms of the Dutch Royal Family that originates from the young second wife of the aged King, who became the popular Regent for her young daughter and later a symbol of the Dutch Resistance during WWII: Queen Emma’s Diamond Tiara!
Royal Musings - Blogger
royalmusingsblogspotcom.blogspot.comJul 29, 2023 · Royal Musings. News and commentary about the reigning royal houses of the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Spain, Monaco -- and the former European monarchies as well. Home. About Marlene Eilers Koenig. Media.