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Rolling Stones Wikipedia

The Rolling Stones - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Rolling_Stones
The Rolling Stones on englantilainen rockyhtye, jolla on ollut 1960-luvulta lähtien vahva vaikutus länsimaiseen populaarimusiikkiin ja -kulttuuriin.
Luokka:The Rolling Stonesin jäsenet - Wikipedia › wiki › Luokka:The_Rolling_S...
Sivut, jotka ovat luokassa The Rolling Stonesin jäsenet. Seuraavat 10 sivua kuuluvat tähän luokkaan. Sivujen kokonaismäärä luokassa on 10.
The Rolling Stones (albumi) - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Rolling_Stones_(a...
The Rolling Stones on samannimisen brittiläisen rock-yhtyeen debyyttialbumi, ... Britannian-versio (Decca Records 1964)[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä].
Rolling Stone - Wikipedia › wiki › Rolling_Stone
Kansikuva vuonna 2004. Rolling Stone on kahdesti kuussa ilmestyvä yhdysvaltalainen musiikkiin, politiikkaan ja populaarikulttuuriin keskittynyt aikakauslehti.
The Rolling Stones - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ... › wiki
The Rolling Stones are an English rock band that formed in London in 1962. The band members were: Mick Jagger (rhythm guitar and vocals), Keith Richards ...
The Rolling Stones - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Rolling_Stones
The Rolling Stones are an English rock band formed in London in 1962. Active for almost six decades, they are one of the most popular and enduring bands of ...
The Rolling Stones — Wikipédia
The Rolling Stones [ð ə ˈ ɹ ə ʊ l ɪ ŋ s t ə ʊ n z] [1] est un groupe britannique de rock originaire de Londres, en Angleterre.. Il est formé en 1962 par le guitariste et leader original Brian Jones, le pianiste Ian Stewart, le chanteur Mick Jagger et le guitariste Keith Richards.Le bassiste Bill Wyman et le batteur Charlie Watts les rejoignent ensuite et complètent la formation ...
The Rolling Stones discography - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Rolling_Stones_discography
The Rolling Stones have scored 37 Top 10 albums (9 No. 1 albums) on Billboard 200 and 8 No. 1 hits on Billboard Hot 100. According to the Recording Industry Association of America , they have sold 66.5 million albums in the US, making them the 7th best-selling group in history.
The Rolling Stones (albumi) – Wikipedia
The Rolling Stones on samannimisen brittiläisen rock-yhtyeen debyyttialbumi, joka julkaistiin keväällä 1964.Tyylillisesti albumi edustaa rhythm and bluesia ja rock and rollia.Lähes kaikki sen laulut ovat lainakappaleita. Levyn Ison-Britannian ja Yhdysvaltain-versiot eroavat toisistaan yhden kappaleen ja kappalejärjestyksen osalta.. The Rolling Stones-albumi nousi Britanniassa ...
The Rolling Stones discography - Wikipedia
The English rock group the Rolling Stones have released 30 studio albums, 33 live albums, 29 compilation albums, three extended play singles, 121 singles, 32 box sets, 48 video albums and 77 music videos. Throughout their career, they have sold over 240 million records worldwide. Billboard ranked them as the 2nd Greatest artist of all time (behind The Beatles). The Rolling Stones have scored 37 Top 10 albums (9 No. 1 albums) on Billboard 200 and 8 No. 1 hits on Billb…
The Rolling Stones - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ... › wiki › The_Rolling_Stones
The Rolling Stones are an English rock band that formed in London, England in 1962. The band members were: Mick Jagger (rhythm guitar and vocals), Keith Richards (lead and rhythm guitar and vocals), Brian Jones (lead guitar), Bill Wyman (bass guitar), and Charlie Watts (drums). The band were influenced by American blues and rock musicians like ...
The Rolling Stones discography - Wikipedia › wiki › The_...
The English rock group the Rolling Stones have released 30 studio albums, 33 live albums, 29 compilation albums, three extended play singles, 121 singles, ...
The Rolling Stones - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Rolling_Stones
The Rolling Stones are an English rock band formed in London in 1962. Active for almost six decades, they are one of the most popular and enduring bands of the rock era. In the early 1960s, the Rolling Stones pioneered the gritty, heavier-driven sound that came to define hard rock.
The Rolling Stones, Now! - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Rolling_Stones,_N...
The Rolling Stones, Now! on The Rolling Stonesin kolmas Yhdysvalloissa julkaistu albumi, joka ilmestyi helmikuussa 1965.
The Rolling Stones - Wikipedia
The Rolling Stones are an English rock band formed in London in 1962. Active for almost six decades, they are one of the most popular and enduring bands of the rock era. In the early 1960s, the Rolling Stones pioneered the gritty, heavier-driven sound that came to define hard rock. Their first stable
The Rolling Stones No. 2 - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Rolling_Stones_No
The Rolling Stones[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä] · Mick Jagger – laulu, huuliharppu, tamburiini, lyömäsoittimet · Keith Richards – kitarat, laulu · Brian Jones – ...
Rolling Stone - Wikipedia › wiki › Rolli...
Rolling Stone is an American monthly magazine that focuses on music, politics, and popular culture. It was founded in San Francisco, California, in 1967 by ...