Ristorante Invar | Raflaamo.fi
raflaamo.fi › fi › ravintolaNauti lasillinen viiniä, maistuva lounas tai viipyilevä, kiireetön illallinen ystävien ja perheen kanssa. Eikä maailma voi olla vinossa. Ristorante Invar Tänään: 11:00 - 21:00 Keittiö: 11:00 - 20:30 Prismakeskus Nummela Naaranpajuntie 3, 03100 Vihti kartta 044 7705 136 soita Ruoka- ja juomalistat kaikki yhteystiedot kuvia ravintolasta image 8
Ivar's - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ivar&Ivar's was founded in 1938 by Seattle folk singer Ivar Haglund. Having built Seattle's first aquarium on what is now Pier 54, he decided to add a companion fish and chips bar to feed his visitors. The bar was short-lived, however. On July 22, 1946, Haglund opened a new restaurant, Ivar's Acres of Clams, at the same location.
Locations — Ivar's
www.ivars.com › locationsIvar’s calls the Pacific Northwest home. From its early beginnings — with Ivar Haglund selling fish ‘n chips on Seattle's waterfront in 1938 — to today, Ivar’s has winged its way to Marysville and Tacoma, plus a few clam beds in between.
Ristorante Invar - Home - Facebook
www.facebook.com › ristoranteinvarNummelan Prisman ravintolamaailma uudistuu, kun Rosson tilalle avataan SSO:n oman tuotekehityksen tuotoksena syntynyt uniikki ruokaravintola – Invar. … See more 641 people like this 659 people follow this 552 people checked in here +358 44 7705136 invar.nummela@sok.fi Closed now 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM Restaurant · Local Service
www.ivars.comIvar's is a seafood chain in Seattle, WA, serving the finest wild caught Northwest seafood since 1938 from 3 full serve restaurants and 18 quick serve locations in the Puget Sound region