Gpu prices : gpu - › r › gpuThere is no gpu at this price range I know of that can run anything at 360hz except esports titles like valorant or Csgo. 1 level 1 · 2 yr. ago Depends on how fancy you want to get. I have a 2060 super and that's dang near overkill for me. I paid uhh I think a bit less than 350 USD?
Honest gpu price : r/gpu - reddit › comments › u0kv87The prices for gpus are finally starting to come down. What is a true honest price of what a 3070ti should be from a distributor like Amazon or Best Buy? 1 12 12 comments Best Add a Comment fturla • 6 mo. ago First off the RTX 3070 was officially released at the 499 US dollar price in October 2020.
GPU PRICES.... : r/graphicscard - reddit › comments › ud3gcvGPU PRICES.... : r/graphicscard Posted by DecentPossibility782 GPU PRICES.... Hey guys, I recently was really happy because I wanted to buy my first gpu, I saw the prices last at 17000 for gtx 1650 super.... This was jan 2021.... And after my exams I was sure to buy one... Then the prices shoot to 30000₹. I mean are you serious. Now it hit 35k.