Ratina Studios | Home
ratinastudios.comAbout Ratina Studios Having been working with audio productions for quite sometime now, we are very well informed of important aspects to make your next collection sound all that can be expected. In order to be able to give proper service to all who seeking quality solutions at affordable prices...
https://www.ratina.fiBeer Shop & Bar Kuja. Vepsäläinen. Roberts Coffee. Finlayson. ... ELIXIA Ratina avaa lokakuussa 2023. Kuntokeskus ELIXIA saapuu Kauppakeskus Ratinan kolmanteen kerrokseen lokakuussa 2023! ELIXIA Ratinan palveluvalikoimasta …
Tampinkoski Kitchen & Bar
tampinkoski.fiTampinkoski Kitchen & Bar is a local restaurant in the center of Tampere (Vuolteenkatu 1). Here you can enjoy delicious dinner, spectacular wines or have a beer or two. In the summertime you can sip icecold drinks also in the beautiful and cozy terrace.
www.ratina.fiELIXIA Ratina avaa lokakuussa 2023. Kuntokeskus ELIXIA saapuu Kauppakeskus Ratinan kolmanteen kerrokseen lokakuussa 2023! ELIXIA Ratinan palveluvalikoimasta tulee monipuolinen: hyvin varustellun 1 320 m² kuntosalin... Lue lisää.
Horse of a Lifetime: Ratina Z - FEI.org
www.fei.org › horse-lifetime-ratina-zOct 26, 2020 · Ratina passed away at 28 years old in December 2010. Beerbaum’s partnership with Ratina is considered as one of Jumping’s finest, alongside Milton and John Whitaker, Shutterfly with Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum and Baloubet du Rouet and Rodrigo Pessoa. Following her death, Raijmakers said: “Ratina Z was a phenomenon. I knew immediately.
Info – Ratina
www.ratina.fi › en › infoInfo. The information point is located on the shopping centre’s street level, near the Ratina Plaza entrance. Mon–Fri 10.30 a.m.–6 p.m. Sat 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Sun 12 (noon)–4 p.m. tel: +358 50 514 0279. Floor plans and information about shops can be found from the guidance touchscreens on the different floors.