Race and genetics - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Race_and_geneticsRace and genetics. Race and... Researchers have investigated the relationship between race and genetics as part of efforts to understand how biology may or may not contribute to human racial categorization . Many constructions of race are associated with phenotypical traits and geographic ancestry, and scholars like Carl Linnaeus have proposed scientific models for the organization of race since at least the 18th century.
Do races exist? - Quora
www.quora.com › Do-races-existOne of the most straightforward reasons of the nonexistence of race is the fact that scientists CANNOT detect it through DNA. It is IMPOSSIBLE. Now, some people claim that certain skull shapes, skin pigmentations, common diseases, etc. determine that race exists…. Well, they are wrong. These are overly generalized ideas.
Race - Census.gov
www.census.gov › quickfacts › factOMB requires that race data be collectd for a minimum of five groups: White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. OMB permits the Census Bureau to also use a sixth category - Some Other Race. Respondents may report more than one race.