course | Puolarmaari parkrun › puolarmaari › coursePuolarmaari parkrun is a fun, free event organised by volunteers for the benefit of everyone. We wish to make the event as safe as possible, so participants, spectators and helpers are asked to take care about the following: Please be considerate to the park and other park users at all times.
Cafe Puisto, cafe, Uusimaa, Espoo, Suur-Matinkylä, Olari ... › maps › orgCafe Puisto ⭐ , Uusimaa, Espoo, Suur-Matinkylä, Olari, Puolarmaari, 12: photos, address, and ☎️ phone number, opening hours, photos, and user reviews on Yandex ...
Ski tracks - › services › ski-tracks-city-of-espooSki tracks. There are about 200 km of ski tracks in Espoo of which about 60 km are illuminated (lit from 6.00 am to about 10.00 pm). Ski tracks are maintained so that the primary focus is on the trails in Oittaa, Leppävaara and Central Park. After snowfall, all tracks will be cleared and available to skiers within 1–3 days.
about us | Puolarmaari parkrun › puolarmaari › aboutusPuolarmaari parkrun is a FREE weekly 5k event for participants of all standards, which takes place every Saturday at 9:30 in Espoon keskuspuisto, Puolarmaari 12, 02210 Espoo. It offers an opportunity for all the local community, regardless of age or gender, to come together on a regular basis to enjoy the outdoors and get physically active.
Puolarmaarin tekojää | Espoon kaupunki › fi › toimipisteetPuolarmaarin tekojää Puolarmaari 12, 02210 Espoo +358 9 816 21. Aukioloajat. Avoinna joka päivä klo 8.30-22 Mailaton luisteluaika kello 8:30-14 ja 15-20. Mailallinen luisteluaika kello 20-22. Huoltokatko klo 14-15 (jäällä ei saa luistella) Mahdollisista poikkeuksista ilmoitetaan -sivulla. Katso: (ulkoinen ...