Puno, 8,70
https://woll-t-raum.de/PunoPuno besteht hauptsächlich aus dem feinsten und weichsten Baby Alpaka (68%), zusätzlich 10% zarte Merino Wolle und 22% Polyamid für ein dünnes Netz, das die anderen Fasern umhüllt. Diese spezielle Herstellungsweise ergibt ein dickes, aber leichtes Garn mit der doppelten Lauflänge, wie traditionell gesponnene Garne.
Ravelry: Gepard Garn Puno
https://www.ravelry.com/yarns/library/gepard-garn-puno6.8.2011 · Texture. mesh encased. Attributes. Color: Semi-solid, Solid color. 68% Baby Alpaca. 10% Merino. 22% Nylon (for the net) More from Gepard Garn... View All 40 yarns All Day Athena Big Cotton Cash Sock Cash-Soft Cashmere Lace Cashmere Me Cotton Baby Cotton Baby Lino CottonWool Cottonwool 3 CottonWool 3 Organic CottonWool 5 Cusco Dante Hør ...
Gepard langat netistä – Snurre
https://www.snurre.fi/collections/gepardGepard Garn on Sus Gepardin vuonna 1989 perustama tanskalainen yritys, joka on saanut inspiraatiota skandinaavisesta tyylistä ja design perinteistä. Gepard Garn keskittyy tuotannossaan korkeaan laatuun ja niin ihmisten kuin ympäristönkin hyvinvointiin. Gepard Garn tekee yhteistyötä pienten italialaisten perheomisteisten kehräämöiden ...
Buy Gepard Puno, find nearest shop here.
gepardgarn.dk › gepard-puno-300Materials: 68% Baby Alpaca, 10% Merino Wool, 22% pa. Yardage: 50 g = 110 m. 1 wholesale package = ½ kg Needle size: 5 ½ - 8 mm Puno mainly consists of the finest and softest baby alpaca (68%) and an addition of 10% of the finest and softest merino wool and 22% synthetics for a thin net into which the baby alpaca and merino wool are stuffed. All are ecotex 100 certified and for sure all wool ...
Buy Gepard Puno - Offer: $11.58,- - Uldstedet
uldstedet.dk › en › gepard-160Gepard Puno. Materials: 68% Baby Alpaca, 10% Merino Wool, 22% pa. Yardage: 50 g = 110 m. Puno mainly consists of the finest and softest baby alpaca (68%) and an addition of 10% of the finest and softest merino wool and 22% synthetics for a thin net into which the baby alpaca and merino wool are stuffed. This special production method results in ...
Gepard Garn Puno | Etsy
www.etsy.com › market › gepard_garn_punoKATIA alpaca chunky yarn PUNO - 12.90 EUR per 1 ball, alpaca superfine 75%, 100 grs / 90 m, chunky, bulky, superbulky, Needles: 12.0–15.0 mm. PUNO 100% Alpaca Denim Blue 7.50 - 97yds Blue Worsted Weight Pure Alpaca - Adults, Babies, Socks, Garments, Accessories. So Soft!